Monday, January 23, 2012

3-Review-Maximum Curse!

That's what I think happened to my story "I Want To Be A Turk!" No matter how hard I try, I just cannot exceed the average of 3 reviews per chapter. it always seems like everytime i get a new reviewer, an old one stops reviewing XD it's a conspiracy, i swear!!

Sorry to sound so desperate for reviews. I know that many authors (if not most) are fine with a steady amount of reviews, since they get story alerts and favourites all the time. But they (those who don't write fanfiction) don't get it, authors live by reviews!!

I'm not going to be all humble and say something like, 'i write because i love to. even when the whole world decides not to read my stories, i'll never stop!' the truth of the matter is (at least for me), the more reviews I get, the more likely people will take notice and want to visit my story. I often found myself being attracted to stories with loads of reviews, simple as that.

okay, the nicer side of the truth: it brings me joy (and a boost to my ego) to see that you readers like them. recently, a particular reviewer said that the story was vivid and pointed out some mistakes that i could focus on. that was really sweet of her, at least i know if i am on the right track, you know? then again, some people may not know what to write, or maybe they don't think it's all that fantastic anyway :P

bottomline: yes, my fanfiction writing passion thrives on reviews. as far as i love writing, it'll be a greater joy if there are people who enjoy them (and tell me so)

that being said, i bet im the only lunatic author who's telling her readers to jolly well review consistently and appropriately :P so well, another ranting session from me, erm... just move along and forget what i've said? :D

(P.S: to other authors, if you'd like me to read your story, let me know and I'd love to... if I have the time. Just PM me or something!)

In other news, I'm here to declare to everyone (and myself) that I will not write anything new (in terms of writing new plots or continuing stories) until I get my assignments 50% done... I really hate how much of a procrastinator I am... I'm 4 weeks away from graduation and I've not started on my assignments? Shame on me. *lock fanfiction folder away*

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